
Roast tenderloin of pork

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Roast tenderloin of pork

(Helstegte mørbrad)

3 pork tenderloins (or 2 veal tenderloins )

Salt and ground black pepper

Dried fennel

Butter for frying

2 tablesp. water

3-4 tablesp. cream

4-5 onions

Soy sauce


Clean the tenderloins, removing the sinews, beat lightly with the fists and sprinkle with salt, pepper and fennel.

Brown in a pan with plenty of butter, add the water and cream, cover, and simmer for about 6-7 min.

Take out the meat and place in an oven­proof dish.

Meanwhile, peel and chop the onions finely and brown in butter until just golden, adding a little wa­ter to keep them soft.

Boil up the onions in the gravy from the meat, adding a little more liquid if neces­sary.

Season with salt, pepper and soy sauce.

Pour the onion sauce over the meat, place on an asbestos mat, cover with a tightly-fitting lid and sim­mer until tender over a gentle heat.

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