
Fried eels and potatoes in white sauce

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Fried eels and potatoes in white sauce

(Stegt Ål med stuvede kartofler)

For those lucky enough to live by the sea it is still possible to see carbide-lamps over the water at the time of the new moon - a traditional method of catching eels.


3 lb (1 ½ kg) eels


Salt and ground black pepper

1-2 eggs

2-3 tablesp. water

fine breadcrumbs 2 ½-3 oz (75 g)



Choose medium-sized eels.

Clean and remove the skins, cutting off the tips of the tails.

Cut the fish into about 3 inch (8 cm) pieces, sprinkle with salt and leave for 25-30 min.

Dry carefully with kitchen paper and turn in seasoned flour.

Dip in beaten egg to which a little water has been added and coat with breadcrumbs.

Brown about 1 oz butter in a very hot pan and fry the eels until golden.

Pour off the remainder of the butter in order to extract some of the rather indigest­ible eel-fat, and add some fresh butter.

Turn down the heat and finish frying the eels, turning frequently.

This is the traditional way of frying eels, but they may also be turned in seasoned flour and fried as above.


Potatoes in white sauce (stuvede kartofler)

2 lb (1 kg) potatoes

2 oz (50 g) butter

2 tablesp. (50 g) flour

About ¾ pint (½ l) milk

Salt and ground white pepper

Grated nutmeg


Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and slice.

Make a white sauce with the butter, flour and milk, adding just sufficient milk to obtain the desired consistency.

Season, and add the potatoes, heating well through before serving.


An easier and less substantial version of the same dish can be made as follows:

2 lb (1 kg) potatoes

About ¾ pint (½ l) coffee cream

Salt and ground white pepper

Grated nutmeg


Scrape and peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, boil up, rinse and drain.

Cover with just sufficient cream and cook until tender, by which time the cream sauce should have thickened.

Season to taste, taking care not to break up the potatoes.

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