
Danish meat balls - rissole

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Danish meat balls - rissole


Another popular dish at this time of the year, French beans in white sauce may be served with Danish meat balls made from the forcemeat.


1 firm white cabbage (2-3 lb or 1-½ kg)

1 lb (½ kg) lean pork

1 lb (½ kg) beef or veal

About ¾ pint (4 dl) milk or water or sparkling water

1 egg

2-3 tablesp. (75 g) flour

1-2 large onion

Salt and ground black pepper


Mince the meat (if not already minced) together with the onion and beat all the ingredients together in a mixer, if available.

When beating by hand it is easiest to beat the egg and liquid separately, afterwards add­ing it to the meat alternatively with the flour and spices.

Leave the forcemeat in a cold place for at least 20 min.


Form the balls with a table­spoon dipped in browned butter, and fry 3-4 min. on each side.

They are cooked as soon as they feel firm when pressed with the back of the spoon.

Serve with  and French beans in white sauce or:


The Danish "Frikadelle" (rissole) is a old Danish national dish from 1648.

A national dish served with potatoes, preserved sour vegetables and thick brown sauce.
The first recipes of this delicious dish is dated back to 1837, but the name "Frikadelle" (pure pork) is already recorded in the beginning of the 16th century. In a cookbook from 1648 a similar "Frikadelle" dish is mentioned.
The Danes love their "Frikadelle" and eat the meal all year round as a main traditional dish. Frikadelle is the Danes favourite dish of them all.

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