
Boiled cod

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Boiled cod

(Kogt torsk)

NewYear - On the last evening of the old year it is customary to eat boiled cod - and very welcome it is too, on top of all the fat Christmas fare.


8-10 large slices cod



Fish mustard

Freshly grated horseradish

4-6 hard-boiled eggs


Cover the cod with salty water and bring slowly to the boil.

Simmer for 2 min., cover and remove from the heat.

After 12 min. the cod should be cooked.

Serve with melted butter, fish mustard, finely grated horseradish and chopped, hard-boiled egg.

Some people prefer to blend the horseradish in the melted butter and the fish mustard in a light sauce or mustard sauce.


2 oz (50 g) butter

2 tablesp. (50 g) flour

About 1 pint (1 l) milk

5-6 tablesp. (1-1 ½ dl cream)

Ground white pepper and salt

Fish mustard (a coarselll ground mustard)


Make a white sauce in a thick-bottomed saucepan from the butter, flour and milk, cooking well through.

Gradually add the cream until a suitable consistency is obtained, seasoning with salt, pepper and fish­mustard.


Fish-mustard is also known as water-ground mus­tard, because the mustard seed once used to be ground with a cannon ball in a clay bowl containing just enough water to hold the mustard together.

Now­adays a pestle and mortar may be used instead.

Picture: served with apple slices and crispy bacon.
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