(Sylte) - This belongs to the traditional Christmas table.
1 pig's head with ears
1-2 hocks
Salt and ground black pepper
Wash the pig's head and hocks, divide into pieces, scrape and cover with cold salted water.
Bring to the boil, removing the scum, and cook until very tender (2 ½-3 hours). Leave to cool.
Take out the meat, slice off the skin finely and line a dish with the skin and ears - the latter are regarded as a great delicacy.
Remove the meat and fat from the bones, cut into cubes and mix well together.
Place a layer of meat and fat in the bowl, sprinkle with a mixture of salt, pepper and allspice, and repeat until the bowl is full.
Strain the soup, boil up and pour over the meat until covered.
Press lightly and leave in a cold place until set.
Turn out on to a dish and serve with rye-bread, strong mustard and pickled beetroot.