(Stegte rødspætter med persillesauce)
Plaice are at their largest and firmest in June and July.
3 lb (1 ½ kg) plaice
Salt and ground white pepper
Butter for frying
Wash the plaice and remove the skin.
Divide into two along the mid-line or cut into 3 pieces transversely.
Coat in seasoned flour and fry in browned butter 3-4 min. on each side until white and firm right down to the bone.
Parsley sauce (persillesauce)
1 ½ oz (40 g) butter
1 ½ tablesp. (40 g) flour
¾ pint (4 dl) milk
3-4 tablesp. cream
Make a white sauce with the butter, flour and milk, adding sufficient cream to provide the required consistency.
Add finely chopped parsley - enough to turn the sauce a brilliant grass-green - and season with salt.
Alternatively, the plaice may be turned in seasoned flour, dipped in beaten egg, or egg-white to which a little water has been added, and then coated in breadcrumbs.
When steaming plaice, do not remove the skin, but scrape well, rub with kitchen salt and steam in a fish-steamer. A single plaice may be steamed between two plates with a lump of butter, salt and pepper. If placed on top of the saucepan in which the potatoes are boiling, both fish and potatoes should be ready at the same time.