The lumpfish is a sure sign of Spring. The saying goes that when it loosens its hold on the stone, deep down in the water - and that is generally in February - there are only six weeks of Winter left, and so the lumpfish is greatly prized here in the cold North.
1 male lumpfish with sucking disc, liver and soft roe
1 sliced carrot
1 part vinegar to 2-4 parts water
1 small sliced onion
12-15 peppercorns
Parsley or dill
Ask the fishmonger to clean and remove the skin.
Place in sufficient water and vinegar to cover together with the salt, pepper and vegetables.
Bring slowly to the boil and simmer for 10-12 min. according to size.
Cook the sucking disc, liver and roe separately in slightly salted water, removing as they become tender. Drain.
Take out the fish when cooked and pluck the flesh from the bones in large pieces.
Place in a bowl or ring mould in layers alternatively with pieces of liver, roe and sucking disc.
Boil up the liquid, remove the scum and sieve through a clean linen cloth wrung out in boiling water.
If still not clear, cool and beat in one egg-white per pint (½ l) of liquid.
Bring to the boil, whipping constantly.
Remove the scum, sieve and cool.
Stiffen the liquid with gelatine according to the instructions on the packet, using proportionally more if the lumpfish is to be turned out of a mould. Greasing the mould with vegetable oil before filling facilitates the turning out.
Serve with lemon boats, chopped parsley or dill and home-made rye-bread and butter.