
Danish open faced sandwiches and fast food

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Danish open faced sandwiches and fast food

Danish "smørrebrød" also called "open faced sandwiches" 

Almost every Danish restaurant in Copenhagen serve the traditional "open faced sandwiches" called "smørrebrød" whit many small potions of food on rye or white bread and always accompanied with the famous Danish beer and snaps.

(Store kolde bord)
The buffet style lunch "Store kolde bord" - "The big cold table" - offers a large selection of toppings for "smørrebrød", ranging from meet, fish, seafood, salami, liver paste, herrings, salads, cheeses etc., so guests can make their own type of decorative "open faced sandwiches" at the table.
Many luncheon restaurants, often located below street level in cosy surroundings, offers old Danish homemade specialities.



Dishes from the "Store kolde bord". Danish buffet style table. And eat as much as you can.


Glimpse of traditional Danish food culture!


"Frikadelle" is a old Danish national dish from 1648. 

The Danish "Frikadelle" (rissole) is a national dish served with potatoes, preserved sour vegetables and thick brown sauce.
The first recipes of this delicious dish is dated back to 1837, but the name "Frikadelle" (pure pork) is already recorded in the beginning of the 16th century. In a cookbook from 1648 a similar "Frikadelle" dish is mentioned.
The Danes love their "Frikadelle" and eat the meal all year round as a main traditional dish.
Frikadelle is the Danes favourite dish of them all.


Danish Fast Food
Fast food has been known by the Danes for centuries and is the quick way to please your appetite.
The first "Pølsevogn" was established in Copenhagen around 1910 and today more than 130 million red "Pølser" are consumed every year at the Danish "Pølsevogn".

The "Pølsevogn" and red "Pølse" is a must for any Fast Food lover.


1910 - Fast food culture since 1910
The first "Pølsevogn" (Sausage stand) was established in Copenhagen around 1910 and today more than 130 million red "Pølser" are consumed every year at the Danish "Pølsevogn" - Hot Dog Stand.
The Red "Pølse" (Sausage) also called "wienerpølser" with "brød" (bread) has been the Danes favourite out-door meal and fast food for generations and made of pure pork.
On nearly every street corner in Copenhagen there will be a "Pølsevogn" (Sausage stand) with a variety of warm sausages and various tasty supplements.

Fast food since 1910. One red "Pølse" in 1920: 0,25 kr/2008: 15,00 kr. 


There is a sausage stand on many every street corner.


The famous Danish red sausage "wienerpølse" with bread.


Sweets and Coffee

The traditional cup of coffee with Danish pastry.


Danish Pastry
Danish Pastry is a world famous speciality and mostly known as "Danish". The Danes call this type of pastry for "Wienerbrød" (Vienna Bread), as the first "Wienerbrød" was baked and presented in Denmark by an Austrian baker around 1840. The Danes eat about 10 kilo pastry and cakes every year, and there are many bakeries and cafés spread all over the city offering this very sweet and very tasty Danish speciality.


Since year 1700 coffee has been the former national drink in Denmark and the Danish consumers are one of the worlds largest coffee-drinking nations. Coffee is a vital part of the Danish culture and the Danes consume more than 20 million cups of coffee every day.


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