(Stegt and) - Many Danish people prefer duck for Martinmas Eve. It has a more delicate flavour and is less fat.
1 duck (4-5 lb for 4 persons or 2-2 ½ kg)
Salt and ground black pepper
½ lb (250 g) sour apples
¼ lb (125 g) stoneless prunes
About ¾ pint (3 ½-4 dl) stock
Soy Sauce
3-4 tablesp. cream
Cornflour for thickening
Prepare in exactly the same way as the goose, placing it in a cold oven.
Set the oven at 220°F (160°C) and, af ter about 45 min., pour in the bouillon and continue roasting for another 1 ½ hours.
Turn up the heat to 440°F (225°C) and roast for about 20 min. to finish.
Pour off the gravy. Prepare and serve as for the goose.