
Steamed spring cabbage and in white sauce

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Steamed spring cabbage and in white sauce

Steamed spring cabbage

(dampet spidskål)

3-4 spring cabbage


5 oz (150 g) butter

Grated nutmeg


Discarding the coarse outer leaves, quarter the cab­bages and remove the stems.

Wash well in slightly salted water and steam for about 15 minutes under a tightly-fitting lid until just tender, adding a lump of butter but no further water.

Sprinkle with nutmeg before serving.

Serve with the boiled pork, strong mustard and rye­bread.


Spring cabbage in white sauce

(stuvet spidskål)

2 oz (50 g) butter

2 oz (50 g) flour

¾ pint milk (4 dl)

2-3 tablesp. cream

Salt and ground white pepper

Pinch of nutmeg


Prepare the cabbage as above, slice and steam under a tightly-fitting lid without adding more water.

Make a white sauce with the butter, flour and milk, and add sufficient cream to produce the desired con­sistency.

Season and add the steamed cabbage.

Heat until warm through.

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